There’s a lot of information to be found on the internet on the topic of tightening vaginal walls and bringing new vigor to your sex life. A lot of women who want to tighten their vag are afraid to try these vagina tightening tips for fear of injuring their body! And it’s true – some so-called “home remedies” for vaginal tightening can be harmful if you don’t know what you’re doing. Some of these vigina tightening tips can be scary, and downright dangerous, but there are also plenty of natural and healthy ways to achieve this as well.
What About Using Lime Juice To Tighten Vaginal Walls?
Lime juice to tighten vaginal walls has also been researched and used by women the world round, but using it undiluted can be harmful and damaging to the delicate balance of pH in the vaginal canal. Because of the citric acid in the fruit it can even increase the risk of certain STI’s, and promote infections, and can serve to be an irritant for many women.
So Does An Apple Cider Vinegar Feminine Wash Help Tighten Your Vaginal Walls And Make Your Vag Tighter?
Apple cider vinegar, something many of us have already sitting in our kitchen cabinets could be the answer for your loose vagina problem if you want to make your vag more tight. Be it through a vinegar bath, douche, vaginal tightening cream, or a vinegar feminine wash. ACV is natural, easily attainable, and can truly help tighten the vaginal walls. In fact, this virginal tightening method has been used since the days of Ancient Rome and the times of the Middle Ages as a disinfectant and a way to aide in the cure of diseases. It can be used for a multitude of other ailments, including gastrointestinal problems, help with a common cold, bring shine to your mane and even for an extra kick when focus is needed.
To Bath or Douche? How Do You Use An Apple Cider Vinegar For Tightening Your Vag?
For many, the first attempt is usually a natural bath soak. Fill your tub with warm water, and then add 2 cups ofapple cider vinegar, maybe even add some rose petals and an incense off to the side for the spa experience and relax. Spend half an hour soaking in your bath, enjoy the time to yourself. The apple cider works to tighten vaginal walls by helping to even the pH of the vag and detoxify the system.
If a soak in warm water, rose petals and vinegar doesn’t appeal to you, one can also approach a douche method. This is achieved by mixing one cup of ACV, and three cups of water. This can also change depending on the size of the apparatus you have available to you – typically the mixture is a 1:3 ratios. Once completing the process, you should take the time to cleanse the outside of the vag with a mild soap to avoid any irritation.
What If I Don’t Want To Use An Apple Cider Vinegar Bath OR Douche To Tighten My Virginia? What Can I Use?
If not even a soak, or a vaginal douche appeal to you, you can also try oral consumption of ACV to tighten your vaginal walls. Usually this is completed by mixing the vinegar with water and honey, this will help to shield your teeth from the acidic nature of the concoction. The honey can be avoided by mixing 1 tablespoon with a cup of herbal tea, but there’s nothing to stop you from adding the honey to that too, of course.
So An Apple Cider Vinegar Bath Does Help Tighten Your Vigina!
Though the brand you use isn’t imperative, it is good to look for a bottle that is all nature and contains the mother.’ It shows that alcohol has not been used to dilute the vinegar, and that liquid around it has not been discarded or filtered. Bragg’s is a popular choice and available at most supermarkets. If you are uncomfortable with the mother being present in the bottle, it can easily be filtered out with a coffee filter and another container to hold the remaining liquid.
If ACV isn’t your thing:
Here are some other natural herbal and home remedies to help you make your vag tighter:
- V-tight Gel Natural Vaginal Tightening Cream and Exercise Program
– You can read my personal V-tight Reviews here. - Using Alum to tighten your virginal walls
- Using Indian Gooseberry or Feugreek
- Use Curcumin or Turmeric for vaginal tightening purposes